Arab Development Group

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   b. support:

The 11 operatiog divisions are supported by 8 division that complete the total customer service organization concept. these divisions are classified as follows :

*Research&Development Divion

* marketing Division.

*Quality Assuranse Divsion .

*Information Sytems Division.

*Finanace Division .

* Adminstrative Division .

*Follow -up Division .

* Human Resources Division .

The researach &Development Division ,which has the most effective direct support function ,includes the following :

1-The markting Division :

It provides the operating  divisions with information on the market trend , business leads and opporatunities, customer and competion behavior. It also stimulates the marketing activities for the account in each division , and elaborates the markting strategic plans and promotion programs.

2- The Quality Assurance Division :

The main reponsibilities of the quality assurance division are to provide adequate confidenece to our customers that our products and its associated services will satisfy their re-quirements for quality through establishing planned and systematic action pursued by highly qualified and well trained personnel . The Quality Assurance division is also responsible for establishing and confirming the ISO9000certification system and maintaing it .

3-The Information Systems Division :

It is located at ADG head quarters, furnished with sophisticated top of the line computer systems. the informatian center is a data depot and the kitchen to process , analyze and feed back in an organized scheme all data obtained from operations, markting surveys, orders ...etc. It provides the operating divisions with necessary information to plan markting and sales programs , spare parts stocking programs, inventory status, customer profiles, mailing lists , fromats for reports , plans, procedures , analytic studies , pricing, costing...etc .

principals are connected to ADG computerized centers , which facitiates processing stocking programs , orders and offer spare parts and untis .   



تصميم موقع . كم